Sunday, February 12, 2012

That's Racist!- Origin

"That's Racist!" is the famous saying that a little African American boy shouts out in a famous GIF animation and picture  meme, which is placed after a racist statement. This meme started off as a  GIF  clip from a T.V show called  Wonder Showzen which aired only for two years on MTV2.

The phrase is at 1:44.

According to Google insights this famous meme rose in 2005 and started peaking in 2011. This meme also surprisingly  inspired a now mainstream  rap group called  "Das Rasist" apparently the main rapper loved the show and the phrase gave him the spark to start the group.

Himanshu Suri stated in an interview.
I think being minorities at a liberal arts college and that type of environment had an impact on both the way we view race and our sense of humor, which people often use as a tool to deal with race. I always felt like Wonder Showzen was a television show that captured that type of thing perfectly. When I saw the little kid yelling "THAT'S RACIST" it blew my mind. And then it became a game ... to take all the seriousness out of making legitimate commentary on race, because that can get very annoying. So when something veering on racially insensitive would pop off in a commercial on television or something it would be like, who could yell "That's Racist" first. And then we thought it would be a cool name. Das EFX may have been an inspiration.

As you see in the picture below the "That's Racist" meme is used on other pictures that are presumed racists, thus the meme can not work with out another picture. The effect this meme has is that it points out the obvious just like little kids do. People already see some sort of racism on the picture and the "That's Racist" just confirms it.

1 comment:

  1. I like your use of media and i think u did a good job on the background information of the blog but i don't see your analysis.
