Saturday, February 18, 2012

Get Back to the Kitchen?

This post were not going to see one meme in particular but a stereotype that inspires hundreds of others. This stereotype is that women belong in the kitchen which leads to them doing most the housework. Most of theses memes have a picture of a women and a phrase which is sexist like the one below which says "Here's one that tried to escape from the kitchen."  A study done report in an article Journal of Family Issues says that on average women do 70 percent of housework compared to men. I find this steroytpe to also be sexist, when have the right to do anything they want to with their lives. As of this day in the United States women pursuit what ever they want, with some limitations like how they cant go out in combat

For a whole Tumblr dedicated to this theme visit and see the post for yourself.
These stereotypical memes have the same theme, and this stereotype has been going on for ages but with recent movements women now have equal rights. Before the majority of  women stayed home to do housework while men went out and made made ends meet.  

As women acquired equal rights they became more independent got more educated and acquired more jobs. So now women are becoming more independent, working to support themselves and even somtimes supporting their families. I know lot of responsible single moms but some people still find humor in theses post because of our history. 


  1. I really liked this blog post because some people really do believe still that women should only be in the kitchen working. Which is insane.

  2. Even though these post make me chuckle, that doesn't mean that I believe that women belong in the kitchen. I see humor in these post for two reasons, either they take an picture with something extreme happing then put a text to it such as the above to it makes it funny. The second is doing something witty such as putting the perspective on something well known such as on a movie, Cinderella. This is just people on the internet showing their sarcasm on how we once lived our lives. Also the stereotype of women doing all the cooking and cleaning has died it has become more of a equal share of chores, which that in mind the women's rights movement has been dying since women got the right to vote, they don't have as much energy as they once had.

